Monday, October 4, 2010

Geography project

Transition has brought a lot of projects and hard work with it and one of these projects includes our geography project. In our geography project we have to plan a trip for ourselves to a country of our own interest. It would be helpful if this country had a lot of interesting sites and unique festivals. Our budget for our trip is €10,000. With our project we have to include flight details, accomodation , interesting facts about the country and the citizens from that country. My project is based on countries from the first world. I have to pick two countries from the first world to do this on. One of the countries i have chosen is Italy. I have chosen this country because i have visited it before and found that it has a lot of unique places that interest me. I want learn more about Italy and hopefully if i plan my trip well enough someday i may be able to follow my plan and visit all of the places. The places i would like to visit include : Pompeii and Herculaneum, Venice, Rome and the Colesseum, the Leaning Tower of Piza, Vatican city and i want to visit Milan during Milan fashion week. I have found this picture of Venice and the gondolas on google images.
Image from IgoUgo

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